Salvador Sanchez - Founder/Owner


Salvador is originally from "Skee-town" in the Mitten where he played euchre and tennis.  Moved to Kalamazoo where he matriculated at Western Michigan University (Creative Writing, Business Management, and Spanish).  Then moved to Amarillo to travel, play on a blackberry, and get a dog - Phantom!  Then moved to Austin to sweat and to travel some more.  Then he moved to Lexington to sling coffee.  Then he moved to Denver to hike, run a lot, and drink beer.  Then he moved back to Lexington to drink bourbon and sling chocolate.  Theeeeeen he moved ... Just kidding.

Top Three Bucket List Items

- Attend all four tennis majors

- Write a book

- Complete my bucket list

Pet Peeve?

Writing bios

Best memory in your time at the shop?

Break In Day: Dec. 9, 2013.  In the middle of the night someone broke into the shop by shattering a window and stole whatever money we had at the time.  By 6am, friends (from near and far) were in the shop donating money, food, hugs, and laughs.  The shop became a living room - full of family sharing stories.

Most memorable cup of coffee?

Sitting on a porch in the El Jaguar finca in Nicaragua.  Sipping a cup of coffee, staring off into the rainforest as the fog lifted.  One of the most peaceful cups of coffee I've ever had.

Two Truths and a Lie

-I've never told a lie

-My name is Salvador

-One of these aforementioned statements is a lie

What's your favorite thing about the coffee family?

Everyone is inspirational; they are authentic; and they are continuously generous.  I learn how to embrace community, serve others, and create culture a bit better each day by watching the 'fam' live their lives.